The CORNDOWN pt 42: NewsRadio S05E10 Spooky Rapping Crypt

Ok. Lets see. I remember some stuff. Complaining about the quality of candy my son has collected from the motel. Seeing what would happen if I threw unpaid merchandise in the trash. That’s two things I can remember. And that’s two more than usual. Because it’s Two for Tuesday.

The CORNDOWN pt 36: Jet Moto 2

9/25/20 Show. Wow. Someone should have yelled at me. I’m like 3 weeks behind. Getting caught up on all them shows’s right now. I have no commentary for the contents of this show, but i bet it’s great. Get some stickers from me. I love you

The CORNDOWN pt 34: i lied to my mom about a puzzle

Oh man. Look how fast i uploaded this. Its like the next day. wow. So I remember that there are like few decent ding calls, a couple chicken calls, one dinged by a chicken call, one pinged call, and plenty of calls about me not leaving a hotel when I know i should.
